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Data privacy

Data Privacy

ENZI COLLECTION AGENCY is founded on the principles of trust and confidentiality between our clients, customers, and ourselves. Safeguarding and maintaining the privacy of our customers’ personal and financial information is of utmost importance to us.

As a collection agency, we are committed to adhering to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and all relevant administrative guidelines issued by the National Privacy Commission while processing our customers’ personal data. We firmly uphold the following principles, unless otherwise agreed upon by the customers:

Confidentiality: We treat all information shared with us during the debt collection process with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

Data Privacy Compliance: We strictly adhere to the provisions of the Data Privacy Act and follow the guidelines set by the National Privacy Commission when handling and processing customers’ personal data.

Our dedication to maintaining trust, confidentiality, and data privacy ensures a secure and respectful debt collection process for our valued customers and clients.